The Scenic Traveler

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For my first post, I wanted to share my hair donation experience with you.  This happened last December right before my big Philippines trip over the holidays.  For those of you who don't know me, I've had long hair SINCE I WAS A KID, meaning I've NEVER had hair that was above my bra line.... EVER.  So needless to say this was a big decision for me.

Although you see smiles... Let me be honest, I WAS TERRIFIED! LOL

(scroll down for video)

The ONLY way I was able to go through with it was because:

#1 my girlfriend was there to hold my hand Haha (jk but serious)

#2 it was for a wonderful cause!!  PANTENE BEAUTIFUL LENGTHS

"My biggest gift. I hope it brings you as much adventure as it has brought me! Sending with LOVE!! ~Megan Leigh"

Do I regret it?  NEVER.

p.s. Hit the like button or drop me a comment below ;) thanks for reading!